
Sep 12

Sermon Follow-up: “An Invitation to The Psalms”

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Sermon Follow-Up

This Sunday began our new series in the book of Psalms, Pour Out Your Heart to Him: A Study in The Psalms. Ryan’s message, titled, “An Invitation to the Psalms,” answered a number of questions important for the beginning of a series like this. For example:

  • Where are the Psalms?
  • What are the Psalms?
  • What’s unique about the Psalms?
  • What is the layout or structure of the Psalms?
  • How should we use the Psalms today?

Some of Ryan’s answers were developed at some length, and so we’ve made detailed notes from his sermon available as a pdf download here.

In the course of his sermon, Ryan noted how clearly the Psalms speak about the Word of God. In fact, in the Psalms we have some of the clearest teaching about the nature and purpose of God’s Word. Three Psalms are worth meditating on, especially if they are unfamiliar to you: Psalm 1, 19, and 119.

Consider the words of David in Psalm 19:7-11:

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul;
the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;
the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;
the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.

As we read this, we should consider that that David did not just write these because they were true, but he actually knew them to be true in his experience. Let’s pray for this to be true for us as well.

Sep 8

Sermon Follow-up: “God Speaks in the Book of Revelation”

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Sermon Follow-Up

This past Sunday ended our summer long series, God Speaks, We Listen: Through the New Testament in 90 Days.

This Sunday’s sermon, “God Speaks in the Book of Revelation,” addressed a book of the Bible that is as important as it is misunderstood, or at least underappreciated. It seems we’re either a fanatic about Revelation, paralyzed by the book, or we’re ambivalent and don’t really care. Some of us have been each of these at different times, and others of us are all of them at the same time. But John opens his letter by saying that this book is a “revelation of Jesus Christ” and that those who hear and take this book to heart are “blessed’ by God. It’s to be understood. It is for our joy in God.

So, we simply must care about the book of Revelation. The fanatic needs to be focused on the book’s center, to see the book as having the same ultimate purpose as all of Christian Scripture – to lead us to Christ. The paralyzed needs to relax. We can’t wait until we understand the book of Revelation before we start reading. We only get the book through repeated reading and familiarity over time. It eventually has its way with us. In fact, even if you were to read a great volume of material on the book, you still wouldn’t ultimately get it, since the book was meant to be received in the form in which it was given. And the ambivalent need to be made excited about the book of Revelation. After all, God gave it to us.

And all of that is what a sermon is for. So, if you missed Sunday’s sermon, give it a listen, and then pick up the book of Revelation and start reading.

If you’re interested in exploring the book further, here are some helpful resources:




Sep 7

Praises to God, Prayers for Our Friends

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Sermon Preview

This coming Sunday we will begin a new series in the Psalms, Pour Out Your Heart to Him: A Study in the Psalms.

In this book of God-inspired prayers, we find mingled together both praises to God and prayers for those who don’t know Him.

In Psalm 67, for example, the writer prays for God to be gracious to His people in order that many from every nation would know of His saving power:

May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face to shine upon us,
that your way may be known on earth,
your saving power among all nations.

Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy.

Here we see that joy in God overflows in prayer for others to know that same joy. It’s actually the nature of joy to do this. But this is not just true of the happier Psalms. For example, David does the same thing in his prayer of deep confession in Psalm 51, when he prays, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you.”

On this side of the cross, we can pray to God boldly because of Christ’s work on our behalf. Our salvation is indeed a salvation of great joy. So, let’s join David and the writer of Psalm 67 in praying for many to know this joy with us.

In fact, given that we are at the start of a new series, this is a great opportunity for you to invite a friend or family member to join us on Sunday. So, bring a friend with you to church and let’s pray for the Lord to answer the prayer of Psalm 67 in the lives of those we love.


Sep 6

“Bringing the Gospel Home”

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Book Nook

This month we’re featuring a number of books on the what and how of the Great Commission. What exactly has Jesus called us to? How are we to go about this in the context of our times and our personal lives?

With those questions in mind, Randy Newman has written a helpful book, Bringing the Gospel Home: Witnessing to Family Members, Close Friends, and Others who Know You Well.

The people who know us well are also the people we care about the most. However, as it is often the case, the same dynamics that make us close are the same dynamics that can make sharing the gospel complicated. And sometimes we’re tempted just to shelve it. Maybe we’ve burned that bridge through insensitivity, or maybe the relationship is so complicated by history that talking about spiritual matters is overwhelming.

Whatever our situation, we all have people who know us well with whom we should be sharing the gospel. Randy’s book serves the church well to encourage and help us in being faithful, for their joy, ours, and God’s in the preaching of the gospel.

The book is available at the Resource Center during the month of September. Pick up a copy.

Here’s an interview with Ryan conducted by Dane Ortlund about the book:

[RSS and email readers, click here to view this video]

Also, around the time of the its release, Justin Taylor linked to excerpts from the book and other resources by Randy.

Sep 1

Two Part Interview with Carlos Griego

2011 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Church Planting

This Sunday’s message, “God Speaks in the Book of Third John,” coordinated both with the near conclusion of our 90 Days Through the New Testament listening plan, and Missions Emphasis Week. In 3 John, John writes to Gaius, a friend and church leader, concerning the support of traveling missionaries:

Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth. (5-8)

3rd John, as we said, is a letter from the trenches of the first century church planting movement. Jesus sent his disciples out to make disciples and establish churches, and this is a letter between the Apostle John and a local church leader working that vision out in the years immediately following the ascension of Jesus.

At the Missions ministry page you can learn more about our global and local great commission strategies, including church planting. Also, if you have questions about DSC’s local and global church planting strategy in general, we’ve recently posted a page with answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and audio is available fro two messages given at this time last year giving the Biblical rationale and strategic vision for DSC’s planting strategy.

Between Sunday’s service and last night’s Lord’s Supper service, we showed a two part interview in which Ryan Kelly interviews church planter, Carlos Griego, about the way forward for the Redemption Rio Rancho church plant:

[RSS and email readers, click here to view these videos]