Archive for February, 2017

Feb 24

Session 1 Recap: Gilbert, “Unashamed”

2017 | by Grant Blankenship | Category: Clarus 17

Editor’s Note: Grant Blankenship is the Preaching Elder at Cedar Springs Church, Cedar Crest, NM. He is a member of the Albuquerque Chapter of The Gospel Coalition. This post is a summary of Greg Gilbert’s message from Friday evening at Clarus, February 24, “Unashamed,” from Romans 1:16–17.


Greg Gilbert opened our conference with three reasons we can have unshakeable confidence in the gospel:

  1. Because it has massive power. Paul does not say, “I am not ashamed of the gospel because its message is very powerful,” but rather because it is the power that saves! The same power that resurrected Jesus from the grave is the same power that brought dead souls to life and is at work in others to bring them to life as well. Gilbert challenged us to, “Stand back for a minute in a little bit of amazement that you are a believer at all… The same word of God that was powerful enough to bring the universe into existence, brought you from death to life.” You don’t have to be ashamed to talk to others about this Good News because this message is backed up by the massive power of the God of the universe. We don’t find confidence to share the gospel because of our ability to persuade and convince people, but rather in the Spirit’s power to bring about life.
  2. Because it offers an awesome gift. The righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith. The gift of salvation is a gift based entirely on faith. It “begins and ends with faith; it is faith from top to bottom.” Martin Luther called this an “alien righteousness” because it comes from outside of us. The problem for humans is not just the absence of good works, but the presence of sin. We cannot blot out those sins no matter how hard we try to cover them with good works. The heart of the gospel is that we cannot save ourselves, and yet we need to be declared righteous by the Holy Judge of the universe. It is only through “The Great Exchange,” as Luther called it, that we can be saved. Jesus’ righteousness is given to us, and in exchange the wrath we deserved was poured out on the Son, satisfying the requirements of our Holy Judge.
  3. Because it is a wide open invitation. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most universal invitation in the world. But it’s an invitation, so it must be accepted. You must come to the source of living water if you want it. This awesome gift is not found with any other god. It is only available in Jesus Christ.

Feb 22

Clarus ’17 Conference Schedule and Talk Titles

2017 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Clarus 17

Clarus ’17 is this weekend!

From February 24–26 we’ll be joined by Mark Dever and Greg Gilbert who will address our conference theme, Romans and the Reformation. Click here to read about this year’s speakers and conference theme.

We’ve been working with the speakers over the last few months to give shape to the conference. Here’s an outline of talk titles and texts we’ll soak in together.

Friday Night, February 24

  • Session 1: Greg Gilbert, “Unashamed” —Romans 1:16–17
  • Session 2: Mark Dever, “Hypocrisy” —Romans 2

Saturday Morning, February 25

  • Session 3: Greg Gilbert, “Faith” —Romans 4:18-22
  • Session 4: Mark Dever, “Conflict” —Romans 6

Saturday Afternoon, February 25

  • Session 5: Greg Gilbert, “Salvation” —Romans 8:31-39
  • Session 6: Mark Dever, “Election” —Romans 9
  • Session 7: Panel Discussion with Mark Dever and Greg Gilbert

Sunday Morning, February 26

  • Session 8: Corporate Worship with Mark Dever, “Worship” —Romans 12

For specific session times, see the Conference Schedule.

If you haven’t watched it yet, here’s the invitation video for Clarus ’17.