Mar 25
The Four Soils and Children: Some Resources for Parents
My latest sermon looked at the parable of the four soils in Luke 8. In the last third of the message I sought to analyze and apply this important parable in five different ways:
1. Thinking through some of the theological issues in the parable
2. Applying the parable to our witness to and discipleship of others
3. Applying it directly and pointedly to those who may not yet have come to true faith
4. Applying it specifically to the salvation of our kids
5. Applying it to the ongoing reception of God’s Word as his disciples
On that fourth point of application — the salvation of our kids in light of the parable of the four soils — I’d like to mention some follow-up resources:
1. Dennis Gundersson, Your Child’s Profession of Faith booklet (available at the DSC Resource Center for $1).
2. DSC’s Baptism class for parents and young people. We just finished a class, but will be offering it again soon.
3. Jim Elliff, How Children Come to Faith in Christ – seven sessions from the Family Life Today radio program.
4. Some related articles from Desiring God:
• Will the Next Generation Know?