Oct 8
A Neat Story about the Church and Its Care
Greg Schneeberger, our youth minister, is teaching this round of our membership class (a.k.a, Knowing Christ, Knowing the Church, or KCKC). He shared a wonderfully encouraging story with our leadership today — a story about sacrificial care happening within our membership class (i.e., among new people!).
Here’s how it starts: a lady in the class wrote Greg last week, saying,
I’m worried that my husband and I and I won’t be able to make many of the classes left. As embarrassing as it is, I feel you deserve a reason why. A month ago we lost our mini van. My husband had started teaching me to drive his truck. What a pain! But we were thankful that God had left us with an open window sorta say. This past Sunday after church we were headed to my grandmothers for lunch. The clutch in the truck went out. And we were lucky to get to her house. Now with no transportation to speak of, I worry that we won’t be able to get to the church. It pains me to miss church and KCKC, it being the only time I really got out of the apartment. I will however, pray that something changes or at least that we can retake the class in the future. Â We do love DCS!
Greg then wrote our leadership today with the rest of the story:
Just wanted to encourage us all with a cool story from last night’s KCKC. In brief:
1. A young mom wrote me that their car had exploded and they would have to drop the class. She said the repairs were under 1k but for their family it might as well have been a million dollars.
2. I told her to try and make it on Wednesday and we would get a strategy going.
3. As she arrived I was talking to a young professional in my home group. He overheard me make a few comments to her about the situation.
4. He proceeded to pull out a set of keys and tossed them her way. “We have three cars and there are only two of us. So why don’t you guys go ahead and use our X-Terra for as long as you need until things get worked out.”
5. The lady just about fell off her chair. The couples talked, got to know each other, and my home group buddy took some time to explain that this is how things are supposed to work in the Kingdom. It was pretty glorious.
6. So, this mom of three left with a ride on loan and the home group couple drove home in their other car. They shared contact info and everyone was very excited about how God was moving in love and generosity.
Even though we all weren’t a part of this, let’s thank God together that this, and many other like-things, are happening at this church. I truly believe that DSC has seen significant growth in this kind of body-care in the last few years.