Archive for February 23, 2010

Feb 23

No More Pie-in-the-Sky Church

2010 | by Parker Landis | Category: Quote,Recommended Link,Sermon Follow-Up

In light of Sunday’s sermon about the State of the CommUnion and the growing role that Home Groups play at DSC, here is a great message by John Piper, titled “No Condemnation in Christ Jesus, One Body in Christ.”  The main thrust of what Piper says here is that we, the church, are one body in Jesus Christ with special ways of serving each other, but this is all “pie-in-the-sky theory without smaller groups.” Here is one classic Piper-esque quote:

Oh, that God would turn our small groups into invincible platoons of faith and love and witness and service. Oh, that when the next calamity strikes perhaps nearer to home, every suffering and grieving saint at Bethlehem would be surrounded by a band of wounded healers lavishing the many-colored grace of God on each other and pressing on!

Read the rest here.