
May 6

Clarus ’10 Audio Now Online

2010 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Clarus 10,Recommended Link,Sermons

We just wrapped up Clarus ’10 with Wayne Grudem and Randy Alcorn. The theme was “Between Heaven and Earth” and touched upon various topics such as, suffering, heaven, business, ethics, government, and economics. The audio for the eight different sessions, including two Q&A sessions, is now online (for free). If you weren’t able to attend some or all of the sessions, let me encourage taking the time to listen. Some good, helpful, thought-provoking stuff!

By the way, Dr. Grudem’s Sat. PM talk — “The Bible’s Solution to World Poverty” — was given in an expanded version (three one-hour sessions) at Reformed Theological Seminary. The audio to these is available for free through RTS i-Tunes store.