Archive for May 2, 2012

May 2

¿Hablas Español?

2012 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Recommended Link

If you read this blog, you probably speak English. But perhaps Spanish is your primary language, or perhaps you have a relationship with someone for whom Spanish is their primary language. As a church, ministry among Spanish speakers is an important part of what it means to fulfill Jesus’ great commission, a commission to make disciples which includes teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:18-20).

With that in mind, here are three opportunities for Spanish speakers:

Spanish Translation on Sunday Morning

A Spanish translation of DSC’s Sunday morning service is provided each Sunday during the 10:45 AM service. Spanish translation headsets are available on Sundays at the Information Center in the foyer. If you or someone you know would like to take advantage of this, please contact the church ahead of Sunday to give notice that you will need translation by emailing Carolyn Rush at

Spanish Speaking Community Group

DSC has a new Spanish speaking Community Group open to all Spanish speakers and those desiring to improve their Spanish. This group meets on Thursday evenings for a meal, fellowship, worship, and study in Spanish. For more information, please contact the church office at 505.797.8700 or by email at

The New Spanish 9Marks Site

Many of you will be familiar with 9Marks Ministries, a ministry founded by Mark Dever and dedicated to “building healthy churches.” 9Marks was with us as a sponsor at Clarus in 2011, and has produced a number of books about healthy church life that we heartily recommend.

9Marks recently launched a version of their website in Spanish. Visit the new and expanding site here.

¿Qué es 9Marks?

9Marks es un ministerio dedicado a equipar líderes de iglesias con una visión bíblica y con recursos prácticos. Nuestra meta es simple: Iglesias que reflejen la gloria de Dios.

9Marks has also released several of their books in Spanish and other languages, including Chinese, French, German, and Korean. For a list of translations, click here.

Spanish Bibles

We always have a number of Bibles available in Spanish. To obtain copies for yourself or others, contact Clint at the church office at 505.797.8700 or by email at