Archive for March 10, 2015
Mar 10
Saturday Seminar Follow-Up: “Come, Let Us Sing!”
On February 21, Ryan Kelly and Drew Hodge hosted a Saturday Seminar, “Come, Let Us Sing!.” We considered the place of singing in God’s plan for his people as well as its practical expression in local church life.
Here’s a round up of resources from the seminar:
Books on Worship and Singing
- Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God, Bob Kauflin
- Rhythms of Grace: How the Church’s Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel, Mike Cosper
- Singing and Making Melody: Issues in Church Music Today, Paul Jones
- Christ-Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice, Bryan Chappell
- Give Praise To God: A Vision for Reformed Worship, Philip Graham Ryken, editor
Links for Singing
- DSC’s online Bandcamp music store
- DSC’s Music Blog (email subscription available)
- DSC’s App for phones and tablets
- Online hymn website: Hymnary
Audio and Video from the Seminar
Session 1 – The Theology of Worship, Ryan Kelly (audio, video)
Session 2 – The Reason for Worship, Drew Hodge (audio, video)
Session 3 – The Practice of Worship, Drew Hodge (audio, video)