Archive for the Clarus 10 Category
Oct 1
Questions about Spending Money (Clarus 2010, Q&A Grudem/Alcorn, Part 2)
This post is the second in a series of six from Ryan Kelly’s Question and Answer discussion with guests, Wayne Grudem and Randy Alcorn at Clarus 2010 (Part 1).
Do Christians have a responsibility to avoid certain businesses?
How should Christians spend money on entertainment and leisure?
Sep 24
Questions about Creating Money (Clarus 2010, Q&A Grudem/Alcorn, Part 1)
The theme for this year’s Clarus conference was, Between Heaven and Earth. This post is the first in a series of six from Ryan Kelly’s Question and Answer discussion with guests, Wayne Grudem and Randy Alcorn.
How does the doctrine of depravity fit with an optimistic view of human productivity?
Are we responsible for the potential use of what we create?
How should the Christian think about marketing?
How did previous generations speak about the nobility of work? How do we instruct the coming generation?
May 6
Clarus ’10 Audio Now Online
We just wrapped up Clarus ’10 with Wayne Grudem and Randy Alcorn. The theme was “Between Heaven and Earth” and touched upon various topics such as, suffering, heaven, business, ethics, government, and economics. The audio for the eight different sessions, including two Q&A sessions, is now online (for free). If you weren’t able to attend some or all of the sessions, let me encourage taking the time to listen. Some good, helpful, thought-provoking stuff!
- Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s Teaching on the Moral Goodness of Business, with Wayne Grudem
- The God Who Brings Good Out of Bad: Suffering, Evil, and the Promise of Heaven (Rom. 8:14ff), with Randy Alcorn
- Business Ethics: Working, Buying, and Selling according to God’s Moral Standards, with Wayne Grudem
- Investing in Eternity: Financial Stewardship and Eternal Rewards, with Randy Alcorn
- Panel Discussion 1, with Randy Alcorn and Wayne Grudem
- The Bible’s Solution to World Poverty: 50 Factors within Nations that Determine Their Wealth or Poverty, with Wayne Grudem
- Panel Discussion 2, with Randy Alcorn and Wayne Grudem
- Keep Your Heart with All Vigilance (Prov. 4:23), with Wayne Grudem (Sunday AM service at DSC)
May 4
Thanks to Wayne Grudem and Randy Alcorn
Many thanks to Wayne Grudem and Randy Alcorn for their faithful, humble, and helpful ministry among us this last weekend at Clarus ’10. It was an enormous privilege to sit under their teaching and a great pleasure to get to know them.
As Randy’s Facebook page attests, a lot of that time together was spent at Jason’s Deli.
(Ryan Kelly, Wayne Grudem, Randy Alcorn, and Randy’s pastor/friend, Steve Keels)
Apr 29
Grudem on Misguided Political Involvement
How should Christians relate to politics? Wayne Grudem explains five wrong views of political involvement:
- Government compelling religion
- Religion excluded from the public square
- Christians abandoning government altogether
- Christians doing evangelism and not politics
- Christians doing politics and not evangelism
Dr. Grudem will be speaking at DSC on the topics of business, ethics, and world poverty this Friday and Saturday, as well as preaching in both of our Sunday AM services. Hope you plan to join us.