Archive for the Sermons Category

Dec 28

Why You Should Bring Your Bible to Church

2009 | by Zach Nielsen | Category: Quote,Sermons,The Church

Jonathan Dodson has a good post that should be passed around on why Christians should bring their Bibles to church (assuming they live in a country where they can own a Bible).  His main points are:

1. It allows the Bible to make up your mind about meaning, not you make up your own mind about the meaning.
2. It allows you to read the Bible in context.
3. It helps you avoid confusing the medium for the message.

Some good quotes from his piece:

  • Follow the argument of Scripture, not just the argument of the preacher.
  • When we read in context we get to see the Bible, not in bits and pieces, but as an awe-inspiring whole.
  • Reading in PowerPoint prevents us from seeing the Bible as complete thoughts that hang together in context.

Read the whole thing.

Oct 8

Adoption Sunday

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Sermons,This Sunday

This Sunday, Zach Nielsen will be preaching for us, as we consider:

  • our spiritual adoption in Christ
  • the church’s call to care for orphans
  • opportunities for adoption and orphan care in and through DSC

Zach put together this touching and encouraging video. Towards the end, it shows the families at DSC who have adopted or are making plans to do so. Praise God for his goodness in the love and care shown through so many in our body!

DSC Video For Orphan Care Sunday from Zach Nielsen on Vimeo.

Sep 18

Next Sunday: Luke 12:1-34, Take Two

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Sermons,This Sunday

As I mentioned in last Sunday’s sermon, the next week will cover the same verses in a slightly different way.

Last Sunday we looked at the general principles in the passage:

  • Don’t Worry about People
  • Don’t Worry about Possessions
  • Don’t Wonder about His Promises
  • Don’t Wonder about “Priorities”–Seek His Kingdom

This coming Sunday we will focus in on how we seek God’s kingdom, specifically

  • …with our Speech (vss 4-12)
  • …with our Stuff (vss 13-34)

If you didn’t hear last Sunday’s message, especially because it is the first-half of a two-parter, take some time before this Sunday to listen to it. And whether you heard the message last Sunday or not, please take the time to read through the verses again before we meet for corporate worship on Sunday AM.

Looking forward to seeing you and worshipping our great God and Savior with you on this next Lord’s Day. May God’s goodness and nearness and power and truth be evident!

Aug 1

Why Listen to Solomon?

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Quote,Recommended Link,Sermons

Josh Harris asks why we should listen to Solomon’s proverbial wisdom since he rather famously strayed from it himself. Josh suggests that there’s a lesson in that very fact:

We learn that wisdom isn’t a badge you earn once and then get to wear for the rest of your life. You’re only as wise as your next decision. Don’t say, “I’m wise…look at all I’ve done in years gone by.” Show me your wisdom by your next choice. Prove your wisdom by fearing God today.

Read the rest of his post here. Some good thoughts.

By the way, if you’re new to DSC and wanting to explore Proverbs more, you might be interested in a series on Proverbs (28 messages) that we finished about a year ago.

Aug 1

Sunday: The Good Samaritan

2009 | by Ryan Kelly | Category: Sermons,This Sunday

This Sunday we’ll look at Luke 10:25-37 — Jesus’ parable of “the good samaritan.”

In addition to reading the passage before we meet on the Lord’s Day morning, check out this video to the old Keith Green song, “Road to Jericho.”