
Feb 18

A Testimony from One Surprised to Be in Hell

2010 | by Parker Landis | Category: Recommended Link,Sermon Follow-Up,Sermons

This is the title of a 5-part series that John MacArthur did about the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, which we studied in Sunday’s sermon.  If you would like to study this parable more closely, MacArthur’s sermons are available to listen or read online at the links below.  Here is a short excerpt, just to whet your appetite.

Ninety percent of Americans believe in God; 85 percent say they believe in Jesus. Certainly, these people all think they’re headed for Heaven. I’m quite sure that hell is populated mostly with people who are shocked to find themselves there. People typically answer the question, “Are you going to Heaven?” with, “Well, I’m a good person. I’m a religious person. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I’m going to Heaven. God certainly wouldn’t send me to hell.” Hell is full of surprised people. That’s really what this story is about — a man who was shocked to find himself in hell. Equally shocking to those who listen to the story was the idea that the other man was in Heaven. This was contrary to all of their expectations…

Read the rest here: