Jan 26
Shop on Amazon, Support the Resource Center
Did you know that when you buy a book through one of our Amazon links on this blog or at the Resources page you are supporting DSC’s resourcing ministry through the Resource Center? Did you know that there is a way to benefit DSC every time you buy anything from Amazon?
Save this DSC Amazon link as a bookmark on your browser and use it to get to Amazon. When you enter Amazon through this link anything you purchase will benefit DSC’s Resource Center.
DSC’s Resource Center serves the body at DSC by brining you some of the more helpful and more reliable biblical resources across a number of subjects, including theology, parenting, biblical manhood and womanhood, evangelism, suffering, and, of course, Bibles. Since the Resource Center is not a for-profit project, “suggested donations” generally reflect our cost, which is anywhere from 10%-40% off retail.
But the Resource Center is also a hub for resources given away at no cost, including Bibles, books for visitors to the Newcomers Reception, timely resources for those in crisis, sermon CDs for visitors, evangelistic literature, and children’s CDs to families who’s children join us at VBS.
Amazon, of course, has everything from $7.00 chocolates for your mom’s birthday, to this insane $25,999 lens for your Nikon camera, and many items at a discount. By investing in Amazon Prime account, you can get 2-day shipping for free, which we use to ensure a current inventory of books at the Resource Center each Sunday.Â
Thank you for reading this blog, and thank you for supporting DSC’s Resource Center.