Jan 18
Why Church Membership?
DSC’s membership class, Knowing Christ, Knowing the Church (KCKC), is offered three times a year, and the spring session begins on Wednesday, February 1, from 6:30-8:30 PM.
Perhaps you are not a member at DSC and intentionally so. You aren’t certain membership is important for Christians or important for you specifically. Or maybe you are a member, but you’ve never really thought about what the Scriptures say about the nature of the church and our relationship to one another as Christians.
All of us could take church membership more seriously, and for that reason, Nine Marks ministries has a helpful video and summary in answer to the question, “What is church membership?”
[RSS and email readers, click here to view this video]
In KCKC, we explore the foundation, nature, and purpose of what is at the heart of God, His Word, and God’s plan of salvation: the church of Jesus Christ. She has been purchased by the blood of Christ for a display of God’s glory.
Here are some of the questions we explore in the class:
- What is the foundation of the church?
- Why the church?
- What is the church?
- What does the church do; what are its purposes?
- What are the distinctives here?
- How does DSC operate; how is it led?
- Why join a church and what does it mean?
- How do I get involved?
For more information about DSC’s membership class, visit the KCKC Page. To sign up, fill out a Communication Card on Sunday, email, or call the church office at 505.797.8700. This class is not just for those pursuing church membership, but for anyone interested in getting better acquainted with DSC or the gospel of Jesus Christ.