Archive for the Funny Category
May 15
Riches + Righteousness = Sadness
That’s what Jesus says in this Sunday’s passage, Luke 18:18-30 — the story of the rich, young ruler. Despite his riches and religious accolades, the story ends with the man going away sad, confused, and lost. Jesus then tells the disciples that rich people getting saved is about as easy as shoving a fat camel through the eye of a needle.
Invite a friend this Sunday as we talk about how God does the impossible.
May 7
Mini-Van = Swagger Wagon
Here’s a little something to encourage those of you who fight depression about owning a mini-van. At DSC, I bet we could go toe-to-toe with about any church for most mini-vans per capita. And then we have that runner-up demographic of twenty-somethings with one or two kids, still resolved to never give into the sliding back doors and three dozen cup holders. If that’s you, take a look at your inevitable future.
HT: 22 Words
Oct 19
What’s the Point of This Map?
…unless you’re living in one of the few states where H1N1 isn’t rampant.
May 28
Should We Use Twitter during Church?
Josh Harris makes a good case for resisting the temptation to tweet during the worship service … further proving the connection between the words twitter and twit (Merriam-Webster: \twit\ noun: a silly annoying person).
May 14
A Tempting PhD Alternative
Some of you know I’m a part-time (very part-time) PhD student. It really is quite a lot of work and time, and seems like it’ll never come to an end. I wonder if I should consider this alternative: