Archive for March 5, 2012

Mar 5

Clarus Week is Here: Conference Schedule

2012 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Clarus 12

On Sunday, Ryan preached a sermon, “How to Really Talk to Yourself,” in which he said that preaching truth to ourselves is a main piece of the Christian life. Clarus, which starts this Friday, is something of a crash course for the kinds of things we should be saying to ourselves in the course of our daily self-preaching. Speakers D.A. Carson and Fred G. Zaspel will unfold the Scripture’s teaching on how the cross bears on every aspect of the Christian life. If you haven’t registered yet, click here.

In addition to nine publishers with hundreds of books, we will be joined by Children Desiring God, Peacemaker Ministries, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Here’s a schedule of the weekend with talk titles:

Friday, March 9

6:00 PM  Singing

6:15 PM  Welcome and Introduction

6:30 PM  Session 1 with Fred G. Zaspel
“B.B. Warfield on the Doctrine of Sanctification”

7:30 PM  Break

7:45 PM  Session 2 with D.A. Carson
“Living in a Difficult Time” – 2 Thessalonians 1

Saturday Morning, March 10

8:45 AM  Singing

9:00 AM  Session 3 with Fred G. Zaspel
“Serving as He Served” – John 13:1-17

10:00 AM  Break

10:30 AM  Session 4 with D.A. Carson
“The Saving Word” – James 1:12-25

11:30 AM  Break for Lunch

Saturday Afternoon, March 10

1:30 PM  Saturday Special Session: “Resolving Everyday Conflict,” with Rick Friesen from Peacemaker Ministries

3:00 PM  Afternoon Break

Saturday Night, March 10

6:00 PM  Singing

6:15 PM  Session 5 with Fred Zaspel
“Forgiving As Forgiven” – Matthew 18:15-35

7:15 PM  Break

7:30 PM  Session 6, Panel Discussion with D.A. Carson and Fred G. Zaspel

Sunday, March 11

9:00 AM & 10:45 AM  Corporate Worship with D.A. Carson
“Christians Living in the Last Days” – 2 Timothy 3:1-4:8