Archive for March 27, 2012

Mar 27

Clarus ’12 Recap: “The Cross-Shaped Christian Life”

2012 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Clarus 12

From March 9-11, Christians from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the surrounding Southwest region gathered at Desert Springs Church for Clarus ‘12, a Regional Conference of The Gospel Coalition. Our speakers, D.A. Carson and Fred G. Zaspel, addressed this year’s theme, “The Cross-Shaped Christian Life” showing how the cross transforms and continues to transform God’s people for His glory.

In addition to a panel discussion led by Ryan Kelly (Audio; Blog Recap), both men spoke a total of three times. For those who couldn’t join us, video will be available in the weeks to come. Audio is available now along with blog summaries for each session:

D.A. Carson

  • “Living in a Difficult Time” – 2 Thessalonians 1 (Audio; Blog Recap)
  • “The Saving Word” – James 1:12-25 (Audio; Blog Recap)
  • “Christians Living in the Last Days” – 2 Timothy 3:1-4:8 (Audio; Blog Recap)

Fred G. Zaspel

  • “B.B. Warfield on The Doctrine of Sanctification” (Audio; Blog Recap)
  • “Serving as He Served” – John 13:1-17 (Audio; Blog Recap)
  • “Forgiving As Forgiven” – Matthew 18:15-35 (Audio; Blog Recap)

In addition to a number of other ministries and publishers, we were joined Rick Friesen with Peacemaker Ministries for a special session on Saturday, “Handling Everyday Conflict” (Audio; Blog Recap). And Jim Tomaszewski joined us from Children Desiring God to host our annual pre-conference Pastor’s Luncheon and Q&A with our speakers.

Photos of the event are available here and here, and at the TGC: Albuquerque Facebook Page.