Archive for March 13, 2012

Mar 13

Many Thanks to Our Clarus ’12 Sponsors!

2012 | by Trent Hunter | Category: Clarus 12

We will do one more wrap-up post for Clarus after this one, pulling together links to audio, blog recaps, and photos from the weekend. But before we do that we simply must devote a post to thanking our sponsors.

Though it might not be immediately obvious, our sponsors not only help make Clarus great but they also help make Clarus possible. And it is an investment on their part to partner with us, shipping their materials and, for some, sending a representative with all the expenses that come with that.

The organizations that join us are the kind of organizations that we want to join us. They serve the agenda of our conference by encouraging and resourcing the church with God-focused and Word-faithful material. We love these organizations and encourage you to visit their sites and take advantage of the excellent services and resources they provide in loving support of Christ’s church.

Visiting Ministries

Jim Tomaszewski, from Children Desiring God

Ben Krueger, from Crossway Books

Jimmy Davis, from Cruciform Press

Rick Friesen, from Peacemaker Ministries

Jerod Harper from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Kevin, from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ministries That Gave Away Books

Baker Publishing, The Cross and Christian Ministry, by D.A. Carson

9Marks Ministries, Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons, by Thabiti Anyabwile

Christian Focus Publishing, Jonah: Navigating a God-Centered Life, by Collin Smith

Cruciform Press, Cruciform: Living the Cross-Shaped Life, by Jimmy Davis

Crossway Books, Warfield on The Christian Life: Living in Light of the Gospel, by Fred Zaspel
*This giveaway was for pastors who joined us at the Friday Pastors Luncheon

Visiting Publishers

Bags, Mags, and Ads

Crossway Books was gracious to supply the conference with conference bags, and White Horse Inn was generous to supply a copy of Modern Reformation Magazine to all conference attendees. Many of the organizations above published ads in our conference booklet, but there were several others, including, The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, B&H Publications, The Holman Christian Standard Bible, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Westminster Theological Seminary.