Archive for May 30, 2011
May 30
Audio for June: 90 Days Through the New Testament Begins Wednesday
Wednesday is June 1 and June 1 begins our 90 days of listening through the New Testament together. For an overview of the plan, visit the landing page or download the brochure.
In Sunday’s message, “Partners in Crime,” Ryan pointed out how normal it was in the first century for believers to hear the word read out loud, evident when Paul wrote in Colossians 4:16, “when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans.” Hearing was the main way that Christians received the Word of God for many centuries. God, in His wisdom, chose to reveal Himself in words at a time before the printing press was invented. We can assume, then, that hearing is not only a legitimate but an important means of receiving God’s Word. It also happens to be particularly neglected in our time.
Some will read the Scriptures out loud, perhaps with their spouse or children. Others will listen in the car or at the gym with an iPod. If you’d prefer to read instead of hear the Scriptures, that’s just fine, but listen if you can.
Last week we introduced the plan on the blog and outlined a number of ways to obtain audio. Visit our 90 Days Through the New Testament landing page for more details, including instructions for how to obtain audio, a listening schedule, and help for how to pray as you read.
In the days ahead our schedule page will be updated with audio links all the way through August. For now, here are links for audio in the ESV narrated by Max McLean through the month of June using Bible Gateway’s helpful audio player.
- June 1 Matthew 1-4
- June 2 Matthew 5-6
- June 3 Matthew 7-9
- June 4 Matthew 10-11
- June 5 Matthew 12-13
- June 6 Matthew 14-16
- June 7 Matthew 17-19
- June 8 Matthew 20-21
- June 9 Matthew 22-23
- June 10 Matthew 24-25
- June 11 Matthew 26
- June 12 Matthew 27-28
- June 13 Mark 1-3
- June 14 Mark 4-5
- June 15 Mark 6-7
- June 16 Mark 8-9
- June 17 Mark 10-11
- June 18 Mark 12-13
- June 19 Mark 14
- June 20 Mark 15-16
- June 21 Luke 1-2
- June 22 Luke 3-4
- June 23 Luke 5-6
- June 24 Luke 7-8
- June 25 Luke 9-10
- June 26 Luke 11-12
- June 27 Luke 13-15
- June 28 Luke 16-18
- June 29 Luke 19-20
- June 30 Luke 21-22