Archive for March, 2015
Mar 20
Session 1 Recap: Begg, “Assembled Under the Wordâ€
Editor’s Note: Mike McDonald is the Lead Pastor at Faith Church, Rio Rancho, NM. He is a member of the Albuquerque Chapter of The Gospel Coalition. This post is a summary of Alistair Begg’s message from Friday evening at Clarus, March 20, “Assembled Under the Word,†from Nehemiah 8.
Pastor Alistair Begg opened the session and the conference by posing the question, What is the real reason that people come to church? While many may respond with preference for a particular ministry or a certain program, the primary reason given in the Scriptures is that the people gather to hear and submit to the voice of God in his Word.
The Word of God does the work of God through the Spirit of God in the people of God.
The People Gathered Expectantly
In Nehemiah 8, the people came expectantly to hear the Word of God read and explained. They gathered as one man, knowing of their individual and collective need to hear from God. The expectation of the people was tied not to Ezra’s ability to teach, but to the book that he held in his hand. They gathered on this day to hear from God—a notion that every believer should remind themselves of on Sunday mornings.
The People Listened Attentively
The ears of the people were attentive to the Book of the Law, as they listened to what God Himself had spoken to them. Pastor Begg urged that listening has much to do hearing sounds but with ‘all the ears of our hearts.’ One’s ability to listen is connected with one’s willingness to know God.
The People Responded Properly
The people of Nehemiah 8 were not only attentive listeners but were also proactive in their response. They lifted their hands, bowed their heads and they worshipped the Lord. They wept because they were broken, and their postures spoke volumes to their response. When the Word of God is heard, the people of God will respond.
The People Departed Joyfully
As the people responded to the Word of God being spoken, they were encouraged as they left. The Levites specifically exhorted them not to be grieved, because the joy of the Lord is their strength. While they initially found themselves weeping, they eventually moved to a place of great rejoicing. Before we can fully embrace all that God’s grace offers, we must first understand how broken we are. The gospel is most glorious when grace is most amplified. This same principle is seen in the people of Nehemiah 8, who are first broken, but ultimately depart joyfully because of God’s great work.
Pastor Begg concluded by drawing the audience’s attention towards the ultimate gathering that unfolds in Revelation 7. As the people gathered in Nehemiah’s day and as churches gather under the Word of God today, they both point to a time when all followers of Jesus will gather as one. But until that day when Jesus speaks face to face, the church is to assemble together under God’s Word. The Word of God is the driving force that shapes local church life, and unless our first desire when we gather is to hear and submit to God’s Word, then we have missed the point of gathering entirely.
Mar 10
Saturday Seminar Follow-Up: “Come, Let Us Sing!”
On February 21, Ryan Kelly and Drew Hodge hosted a Saturday Seminar, “Come, Let Us Sing!.” We considered the place of singing in God’s plan for his people as well as its practical expression in local church life.
Here’s a round up of resources from the seminar:
Books on Worship and Singing
- Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God, Bob Kauflin
- Rhythms of Grace: How the Church’s Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel, Mike Cosper
- Singing and Making Melody: Issues in Church Music Today, Paul Jones
- Christ-Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice, Bryan Chappell
- Give Praise To God: A Vision for Reformed Worship, Philip Graham Ryken, editor
Links for Singing
- DSC’s online Bandcamp music store
- DSC’s Music Blog (email subscription available)
- DSC’s App for phones and tablets
- Online hymn website: Hymnary
Audio and Video from the Seminar
Session 1 – The Theology of Worship, Ryan Kelly (audio, video)
Session 2 – The Reason for Worship, Drew Hodge (audio, video)
Session 3 – The Practice of Worship, Drew Hodge (audio, video)
Mar 5
Sunday Worship or Community Group: Which is More Important?
If you’ve been around DSC for a while, you’ve heard us talk about Community Groups. In fact, hopefully you’ve more than heard about Community Groups, but you’ve been invited into one and encouraged to get involved. There are many crucial reasons to embed yourself in community in this way, but if we had to pick going to church on Sunday or to Community Group, which should it be?
In his article, “Worship is More Important than Your Small Group,” Jason Helopoulos addresses this question. Here’s how he begins:
Like most of you, I love small groups. I love the “give and take†of the discussion. I love the interaction with others. I love the questions raised and the answers discovered. But as much as you and I may love small groups, corporate worship is more important.
Someone recently commented to me that pastors are the only ones who really enjoy Sunday mornings as the high point in the week. I hope not! This individual insisted that other Christians look forward to their small groups more than corporate worship. She said it is more exciting for the congregant to be in a small group where they can ask questions, pray for others, discuss their own views, and get to know one another more intimately. I understand this sentiment and appreciate the desire to connect with others, but in all humility I would say to this well-intentioned individual, “You don’t understand the distinct privilege corporate worship is. We are communing with the saints before the holy throne of a majestic God.â€
In the rest of his article, Jason addresses the uniqueness of Sunday morning and the common reasons that some might feel that it’s second to their Community Group. Read the whole article here.